Walks in Busbridge
Busbridge Parish is served by a great network of public footpaths with only a small amount of minor roads to cross or walk along.
The majority of the Parish is situated in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) or an Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV.)
From the North end of the Parish at Cattershall, it is possible to walk up to Munstead, (Munstead Heath Road), across to Winkworth Arboretum, and on to Hydon's Ball via Busbridge Woods. Busbridge Woods also links across to the back of Tuesley and Busbridge Lakes, joining Tuesley Farm and footpaths to Milford Station and the Portsmouth Road behind Milford Hospital.
The footpaths vary in width and surface but are generally in good condition.
The bridge on Bridleway BW163 crossing over Busbridge Lakes, linking Tuesley and Quarter Mile Road to Clockbarn Farm and Hambledon Road was damaged, but is now restored and open to horses and pedestrians.
There is a new footpath FP602 towards the Hydons Ball end of Clockbarn Lane , connecting with the end of New Road, thereby avoiding a busy and windy part of Salt Lane .
It is possible to walk from one end of the Parish to the other by footpath and to nearly do a circular walk of the Parish.